The Asbestos Disease Awareness Organization is the largest nonprofit organization in America that focuses on preventing asbestos exposure, eradicating asbestos-related diseases like mesothelioma, and protecting asbestos victim's civil rights through advocacy, community initiatives, and education.
The organization was founded in 2004 to give asbestos victims and concerned individuals a united voice, to work toward a global asbestos ban, and to raise awareness about the dangers of asbestos.
Recently, the Asbestos Disease Awareness Organization announced that it would hold its 16th Annual International Asbestos Awareness & Prevention Conference and Film Festival on September 17 – 18, 2021. ADAO is the only American nonprofit organization that organizes such annual conferences dedicated to eliminating and preventing asbestos-related diseases, and the organization has hosted more than 300 speakers since 2005. Usually, ADAO invites medical experts, trade union leaders, mesothelioma victims, activists, lawmakers, and loved ones to speak at their conferences.
Due to the COVID-19 regulations, ADAO will this year hold a virtual conference. On the bright side, this will allow individuals from different parts of the globe to stream the event.
Asbestos was once a highly-valued mineral that was highly used because of its ability to resist electricity and heat. For decades, this dangerous substance was used in many products, from floor tiles to bricks, pipe insulation, concrete, and fireplace cement. However, when asbestos-containing materials break down over time, they release asbestos fibers into the air. When people unknowingly inhale these fibers, they may end up developing asbestos-related illnesses such as mesothelioma. Research suggests that more than 250,000 people die globally every year due to asbestos-related diseases.
Promoting knowledge about asbestos is a good way of developing social and legislative strategies for creating a healthier and safer environment for everyone. Nonetheless, apart from promoting knowledge, it is crucial for mesothelioma organizations to continue providing other services that help with the fight against asbestos-related diseases. Fortunately, several mesothelioma organizations that are already doing a good job exist. Even though these organizations do not have unlimited funds, they use what they have to try and reduce or eliminate asbestos-related illnesses. Some other foundations apart from ADAO that are promoting the fight against asbestos-related diseases include:
- The Meso Foundation (The Mesothelioma Applied Research Foundation) – Some of the services offered by the Meso Foundation include fundraising, patient aid, treatment information, and support groups.
- The Pacific Mesothelioma Center (PMC) – Some of the services offered by PMC include advocacy, treatment, and education.
- The LUNGevity Foundation – Some of the services offered by the LUNGevity Foundation include community support and education.
Without ADAO and the other mesothelioma organizations, the legislative progress on asbestos might be hindered. Therefore, it is crucial that members of society support these organizations in whatever way they can.
Arizona Mesothelioma Lawyers
If you or a loved one were diagnosed with mesothelioma, contact our office to speak to one of our experienced mesothelioma attorneys about your situation. Our office can help investigate your case and determine if compensation can be sought from negligent parties to help pay for your medical treatment.