When a parent takes their child to the park or field to play, they do everything possible to ensure their child's safety. However, children can be mischievous, and because of that mischief, children sometimes end up in dangerous spaces in the span of a few seconds. For instance, when playing, a child might end up playing with or near toxic materials. Such was the worry of city Councilwoman Judy Doesschate. Because of her concern, the councilwoman recently pushed the city of Albany to deal with illegally dumped asbestos-containing trash behind a Woodlawn neighborhood baseball field.
According to news sources, the issue arose last year after the councilwoman asked the city to clear trees and brush behind the National Little League field along Providence Avenue. After clearing the brush, crews found concrete, trash, garbage bags, and other debris in the area. The situation was so bad that crews removed more than five truckloads of garbage from the area.
After that, in an effort to improve the park, the councilwoman and others in the neighborhood tried to plant grass over the cleared area. However, they encountered a problem. According to Doesschate, city crews had left behind garbage bags that appeared to contain asbestos-containing floor tiles. Then, instead of removing the remaining garbage, it is said that crews bulldozed and partially covered it.
Even though the source of the initial dumping of the asbestos-contaminated trash is not reported, it is generally the city's responsibility to remove it. Partially covering the asbestos-contaminated garbage is not sufficient. If the covered asbestos-contaminated garbage is disturbed or handled, asbestos fibers may be released into the air. Anyone close to the area who breathes in the asbestos fibers may end up developing severe health conditions.
Presence of Chrysotile Asbestos in the Area
According to Times Union, in May, Councilwoman Judy Doesschate took a sample from the area and sent it to an environmental firm. This sample is said to have come back positive for chrysotile asbestos. Exposure to asbestos, including chrysotile, causes a rare and fatal cancer of the pleural and peritoneal linings known as mesothelioma. Apart from mesothelioma, asbestos exposure can cause cancer of the lung, ovary, and larynx. It is probably because the councilwoman understands the adverse health effects that asbestos can have on individuals that she is so keen on ensuring the city of Albany cleans up the asbestos-laden garbage. According to Councilwoman Judy Doesschate, the situation is hazardous not only to children but to all residents.
Proper Asbestos Abatement is Crucial
Due to the adverse effects of asbestos, it is crucial to ensure proper and safe disposal of the garbage. Only asbestos abatement professionals should remove and dispose of asbestos or asbestos-contaminated materials. Therefore, to ensure proper and safe disposal, after the city councilwoman discovered asbestos-contaminated material behind the baseball field, the city of Albany hired an environmental cleanup firm that specializes in asbestos. According to Mayor Kathy Sheehan's chief of staff, David Galin, the environmental cleanup firm, together with another firm, will clean the asbestos in the near future. Hopefully, the firm will take care of the situation soon enough.
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If you or a loved one were diagnosed with mesothelioma, contact our office to speak to one of our experienced mesothelioma attorneys about your situation. Our office can help investigate your case and determine if compensation can be sought from negligent parties to help you and your family live a more comfortable life.